Fire and Other First-Party Insurance Claims

First Party insurance claims are those made by an insured against his or her own insurance company. Typical examples of first-party claims are those made against a homeowner's insurance policy to recover for losses arising from a fire, theft, water or wind damage, etc. Other examples of first party claims arise from health insurance coverage, business policies, and auto policies. The panel of speakers, Fred Millard, Doug Bragg and Rob May will provide two perspectives on the claim handling process, including review oftypical property insurance policies, common coverage issues, presentation of the Claim to the Insurer, the Insurer's investigation, adjustment, and claim denial followed by litigation and/or contractual appraisal. The program will also address under what circumstances the insured is entitled to recover statutory attorney fees and prejudgment interest. We will also discuss statutes of limitation and other conditions and prerequisites that must be met before initiating litigation against an insurer.

Date & Time
Thursday, December 18, 2014, 3-5pm
World Trade Center Mezzanine Room, Building 2, 26
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