$45 for MBA members | $70 non-members
In this CLE, you'll hear from Professor Aliza Kaplan, Michaela Gore, and Laney Ellisor as they break down the U.S. Supreme Court’s holdings in Ramos v. Louisiana and Edwards v. Vannoy and discuss the impact on cases and process in Oregon in the wake of both decisions. Ramos v. Louisiana was a U.S. Supreme Court decision in which the Court ruled that the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires that guilty verdicts for criminal trials be unanimous. In Edwards v. Vannoy, the Supreme Court held that its decision in Ramos v. Louisiana does not apply retroactively to cases on federal collateral review.
For more information: Contact Adele Ridenour, Ball Janik LLP, at 503.228.2525. For registration questions, contact the MBA at mba@mbabar.org.