YLS Committees

Most of the MBA and YLS work is done through its committees and depends on hundreds of attorney volunteers. Learn more about volunteer opportunities.

There are four YLS standing committees:

Organizes 27+ MCLE-accredited seminars, with content intended specifically for newer attorneys. Provide additional professional and career development seminars for the YLS membership.

Assists in recruitment and involvement of MBA young lawyer members, to encourage member participation in the YLS, and to organize a variety of networking activities for YLS members.

Pro Bono
Provides leadership and professional development opportunities for young lawyers in pro bono work. Administer the local Wills for Heroes Foundation clinic, providing estate planning services to first responders. 

Service to the Public
Provides programs to engage young lawyers in community outreach activities that educate the public about the legal system, the positive role of attorneys in society, and the legal resources available to the community.